My Definition of a Thriller Genre.
'Thriller' is a type of genre which has curtain characteristics to allow the film to be placed in the 'Thriller' genre. This genre along with the rest of them have SUB-GENRES such as;
Wikipedia's Definition of the Thriller Genre.
A thriller provides the sudden rush of emotions, excitement, sense of suspense and exhilaration that drive the narrative, sometimes subtly with peaks and lulls, sometimes at a constant, breakneck pace thrills. In this genre, the objective is to deliver a story with sustained tension, surprise, and a constant sense of impending doom. It keeps the audience cliff-hanging at the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. Thrillers tend to be fast-moving, psychological and threatening, mysterious and at times involve larger-scale villainy such as espionage, terrorism and conspiracy.
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My personal opinion of the Thriller Genre.
My opinion on the thriller genre is that its the best type of film out there because you can get so many things in a thriller film such as; romance, passion, love, anti-hero, villain, femme fatal, tension and most important of all the sense of being scared and not know what will happen next (not all the time some are predictable), but still the best types of movies.
My person opinion what is the most popular sub-genre.
In my personal opinion i would say that the most popular sub-genre is the supernatural thriller because we all believe in the supernatural a little and its something that we cant explain and people love things we cant explain, which would pull people in to seeing these types of films because it almost like taking a step in to the unknown.
such films are;
Paranormal Activity: for me is a film that is not scary but i love watching them.
Grave encounters: again not a scary film but something that i could watch again and again.
The In-keepers: In my opinion a rubbish film, but someone could like it and get scared by the supernatural beings with in the film.